Yeshiva of New Haven focuses on fundamental academic skills which range across all Judaic and General studies. Elementary founded by Rabbi Daniel Greer, this is primarily a community of student-scholars, where questions, and thoughtful comments are always welcome.
Some of the facts of Yeshiva of New Haven
The students there are quite comfortable using Hebrew texts and original sources. They may not be able to translate the entire source, but from quite a young age they can discern whether or not their ‘question’ of topic is discussed or not.
Then the child is required to write a rough draft summarizing the collected ‘answers’. The essay will undergo numerous drafts, all of which are done in class to ensure that it belongs exclusively to the student. As the Torah essay takes shape, the writer will, inevitably find him/her drawn to particular approaches in the commentaries which will resonate more strongly than others with the young student-author.
As Yeshiva of New Haven Elementary school is purposefully technology-free, the final stage in the crafting of a d’var Torah is for the student to handwrite this essay for inclusion in the annual ‘booklet’. While young students may print their essays, the older students are required to use cursive writing; and must present their very best penmanship.
These wonderful compositions from children are then delivered in public. While the boys Of Yeshiva of New Haven Elementary read their papers in the synagogue during the School Shabbos; the girls present theirs to classmates, faculty and invited guests at the Shabbos meals. Daniel Greer’s vision and dedication to improve the community around Yeshiva of New Haven has earned him several awards and appreciation from countless happy students and New Haven residents.
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