From the establishment of the Yeshiva of New Haven several years after Daniel Greer moved to the neighborhood of Edgewood to the leadership role the man has played for improving the community, there is a lot you can learn. Along with the other Jewish families in the community, he has worked towards the foundation of this faith community all the way. However, the man has not restricted himself to the role of rabbi but has emerged as a primary figure in the community. Known for his efforts to improve the lives of people living in the community, he also offers assistance to people in need. No wonder that he has a role to play in bringing back two Jews from the grip of the Soviet Union.
Dreams and reality:
He has also established a separate Tora class for women that have gained popularity. Truly speaking, his efforts match the words that he speaks in the public. The way in which he has worked for the improvisation of the community is a thing to remember and he is an inspiration for many people who wish to serve the society.
For Daniel Greer, it is a different life that he has spent for others and he believes deeply about living with satisfaction that he receives from community work.
Spirit to live:
The spirit to live differently takes Greer to heights and the awards that he has received reflects and his moral obligations towards the community make him a true leader. As an activist of the neighborhood in Edgewood, this man has proved that everybody can make a difference and live for others.
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