His wife and life
Greer has had a very turbulent professional life since he
graduated from the Princeton University. Even though he was engrossed
in discharging his responsibilities as a prominent and moving figure
associated with the Save Soviet Jewry, Daniel did not miss out his
personal obligations. In 1971 he got married to Sarah Bergman who was
a day school teacher. Soon after Greer’s marriage, in 1972 he
stood against Richard Gottfried as a nominee for the state assembly
in one of the Manhattan Districts on the upper west side. However,
Greer was utterly upset with the welfare condition of the city.
shift to Israel
1973, Greer and Sarah Greer shifted to Israel with work permits and
had made up plans for aliyah. When they arrived in Israel it was the
time of the Yom Kippur War. Greer joined as a law apprentice under
Eliyahu Lankin. This man was also the captain of the Altalena, the
cargo ship that was sunk as per orders while Yitzchak Rabin gave
orders to kill all the people who sought to shore the Atlanta crew to
safety. To be ordained as Rabbi, Daniel
Greer and his wife studied from Yehoshua Neuwirth and Nehama
Leibowitz respective. Dov, their first son was also born in Israel.
Haven and the Day School
after the Greers’ moved to New Haven, Daniel
Greer felt there were not enough religious day schools in New
Haven. So they decided and set up an Orthodox day school for the
Jewish people. Over the years, the Greers’ expanded this day
school into a full Yeshiva with an elementary school and a high
school together for boys and girls school.
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