The neighborhood of Edgewood lay in neglect for many years with its beautiful buildings lying dilapidated and the community going astray. Many looked back on the rich past with great regret without any great efforts to improve the situation until Daniel Greer made the neighborhood restoration his personal mission. Once he initiated the effort more people joined in to improve the situation and restore the original glory. According to the Rabbi, education is the pillar of the society so no development is possible until one takes a proactive step in educating the children. This was no random thought and the good Rabbi established the Yeshiva Elementary of New Haven in 1977.
This primary school has been instrumental in infusing positivity in the community by getting the young people on the right path of development. People recognize the work of Daniel Greer especially his diligent efforts in bringing peace and beauty to Edgewood. He took proactive restoration and renovation measures on numerous beautiful yet sadly neglected houses. This tireless work has earned him recognition twice from the Preservation Society of New Haven.
The Rabbi firmly believes that no man should live for himself or herself. Each person has the moral obligation for the betterment of the communities through positive involvement. Daniel Greer brought life to the Victorian homes in Edgewood, drove out the drug dealers, and renovated the erstwhile Roger Sherman School for elementary education. The brick building is a historical structure, old for over a century and it became the location for Yeshiva of New Haven School.
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