Daniel Greer the Rabbi was the most prominent founder of the school of New Haven which was located in Connecticut. Daniel Greer is the man with civic interests that were immense and was compassionate, to say the least. In fact, to be very specific in the kind of works he performed poured all the efforts for the improvement of the neighborhood of Edgewood. This is also the place where New Haven’s Yeshiva resides. In doing these works he received tonnes of awards for his work. His notable works earned him the reputation and all the diligent efforts that he put to bring in peace and beauty to the place mentioned. Here are the details.
The moral obligation
Daniel Greer includes restoration and renovation efforts on dozens of houses that were neglected. Initially, this work earned him two awards. These awards were from Preservation society of New Haven. The man has always been selfless and gone to the lengths of expressing that there is no point existing for one’s own self unless there are works done for others in the society. He has urged people to think about the others living in the community and that a kind of moral obligation exists on any individual’s part for getting involved in social work so that society is uplifted.
The transformation
While he added life that was much needed to the Victorian group of homes he drove out all the dealers of drugs and even renovated the Elementary school of Roger Sherman. The asphalt jungle that was unsightly once, was made a beautiful sitting area.
Source: https://danielgreernewyork.wordpress.com/2018/01/31/daniel-greer-and-his-efforts-that-were-award-winning/
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